We were asked to brand ourselves in this unit and in doing so i came up with some different logo designs, which i will no doubt, develop and change. I also decided to think of a production company name, in this case, MORETHAN.ART, my main reason being the fact that it has my name in and it seems simple but catchy.

Spores/Amoebas Graphical Template Design Update...

Here is the further development of the template for my Spores/Amoebas template... i've added some text, changed the graphics design and just tidied the whole template up... i've done a version with a white box behind the text which i hink makes it clearer to read, but i'm not sure that i like the white box there so ive done a version without it too... the JPEG seems to have squashed the image too, not sure why that is...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Slime Mold Interactive Templates Rough Designs...

Just an update on how my templates for my intercative slides are going... these will include an animation example of each stage produce in maya, a hand drawn still that represents each stage and some text that represents each stage.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Graphic Motion Page Layout Designs...

Here i have tried out a few layout designs for my graphic motion pages. At the moment, i'm not too sure how the transitions will work, but once i've figured that out, i can knock up a storyboard for the idea. I've gone for quite a simple but stylised design.

Graphic Motion Life cycle design...

Based on a really nice hand drawn slime mold life cycl i found on Google images, i decided to take out the back ground from the original image and just show the key parts to each image. I'm hoping to take use this idea by recreating an animated version in Maya using surface shaders so that the final render is flat and 2D like a graphic motion would be. This allows me to do a lot more with the motion of the fruiting bodies, giving them a more natural movement.

Slime Mold Drawn Life Cycle...

I decided to draw the slime mold life cycle to see what basic hand drawn graphics could look like if i was to include them in my graphic motion. It aso allowed me to identify the key stages of the life cycle so i now how to go about my graphic motion.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Oriental Motion Graphics Example... Living Canvas...

I really like this oriental style motion graphics which was produced in After Effects. It uses plants which is what i'd be using, and istead of butterflis i could possibly have spores falling off. It's a very beautiful motion graphic and i will try and find some diferent syles so i can see how i will design the first part of my animation.

Examples of my Two-part Structure...

A good example of the two-part structure i had of factual/graphical information and 3D animation visual aesthetics is Squint Opera's 'Gardens by the Bay'. I find the information at the beginning to be interesting because of its combination with lovely graphics and the 3D animation provides a beautiful visual aesthetic. This is the kind of style and structure i could aim to achieve for my final product, as for me, someone who doesn't particularly enjoy science, it becomes more interesting.

Here are a few images i have found to help develop the first part of my idea which will be factual information combined with graphics representing the life cycle...

Slime Mold... My Idea...

So i've decided that i would like to base my project on the life cycle of slime mold. I feel there is a great opportunity to show some amazing visual aesthetics and i also feel i have a fairly good basic understanding of this life cycle. Although i still need to do some more research and begin drawing my ideas up, i have come up wih a two-part structure idea. I feel this will work well in providing the important information the viewer needs and then being able to create a beautiful visual aesthetic to back that up, giving them a good idea of the whole life cycle both factually and visually...

Here's my two parts:


- A factual, step by step guide of the slime mold's life cycle. I'm not too sure what style i will use for this yet, but in my head i have two ideas; a futuristic computer analysis breakdown which will have scanners, writing, and images etc... or a more graphical, fairytale style, almost telling the story of the life cycle, i feel this gives an opportunity for some beautiful graphic designs to go with the facts.


- In this second section of the animation, i will have a visual representation of the life cycle using animation and beautiful visual aesthetics to interest and intice the audience, giving them a better understanding of the process. I would like to use an interesting or beautfiul environment to really give the life cycle that wow factor. I thought of possibly using an aquarium as the environment, but i need to check with Dr. Klapper, whether slime mold does or doesn't grow in a aquarium because my research on the internet has given me a mixed response. If not a similar environment to some of the scenes in Avatar would work very nicely as well, but i would also have to consider how much time i have and what i am able to produce using Maya.