Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Major Project... Idea #2...

After considering my experimental idea further, i feel that it could possibly be too much of a risky move for my major project, and i find myself questioning its purpose and what i might gain from the experience. So instead, i've looked to an environment design idea to further develop my skillset from the Transcription and Minor project. My new idea is based around chinese celebration/tradition, considering events like the Chinese New Year and the Chinese Lantern Festival. The piece would be an environment design that uses cinematic camerawork with atmospheric build up of tension, based in a town that would be set at night and presented as mysterious and abandoned as the audience is lead through the environment. The finale would end in a fantastical and magical scene encompassed by a wide shot of the sea as lanterns are flying in the sky and boats float on the water. This animation would take the skillset i've developed from my Transcription and Minor projects, and aim to develop them further, enforcing higher levels of professionalism; continuing to look into the importance of set design, cinematography, and lighting etc.

Below are some of the kinds of reference images i'd be using to create my environment design...

Monday, 30 January 2012

Major Project... Life-Cycle Installation Piece...

After a chat with Phil today, we discussed my idea of an installation piece that splits experimental visuals and audio across multiple screens. After discussing the idea of some themes, Phil showed me some examples of abstract CG pieces, that experimented with bold abstract visuals and enticing soundscapes. Whilst my original idea was to create a piece that was based on an aesthetical theme like oriental art, Phil suggested that the theme should have a purpose; dealing with themes like fear, time and space. After a bit of research and thinking, i've considered the theme of "birth, life and death", with a possible transition that could be looped. The soundscape would begin with sound derived from heartbeats, amniotic fluid, and babies crying, which would then transition into more organic and natural sound representing life, before the final transition into death, resembled by pain and suffering, making the viewer feel uneasy. Below are a couple of interesting abstract examples which have some lovely visual and audio combinations.


Art of... The Pied Piper of Hamelin...

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Opening Shot Update...

A quick update on the progress of my opening scene... I still need to animate some smoke and the curtain movement...