Talking about tableaux vivants, today, reminded me of a short sequence i had seen in a 50 Cent video. i remember reading that it was part of a Phillips commercial, but i've never got round to watching the whole thing. Today i decided to have a look and relised that it's very much like one big tableau vivant style setup. As we see the camera pan around the surrounding environment, we see everything moving slightly, either that or our eyes deceive us, and it seems like film's response to a tableau vivant style. I absolutely love it, it's like one big theatrical stage, all shot at once. It was directed by Adam Berg and was awarded the Cannes - Lion 2009 GRAND PRIX.
So check it out, it's well worth watching... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m-uD0u7QD0
And if you were wondering how they made it, here's the scene again with some short intervening commentay... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0MjC4mh0aw
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