Sunday 29 November 2009

Unit 2: Space Crit Presentation and End of Unit...

So we had our crit on Friday and I must say that Phil came up with some reasonable feedback, although if there weren't s many people in our class, i'd like to think i would have received some more. I was fairly happy with the first piece and like Phil said, the second needs a focal point (the plants) and the last one was the best idea of all (i didn't execute it well). I was quite impressed with time management on the last unit, as i went home the weekend before crit for my birthday, so i had to make sure i was ahead of schedule to make up for the lost time. I felt i really pushed myself on this uniot, especially the blog, but again i feel that my final products let me down. I'm going to keep pushing myself this unit, making sure i keep up the standards of my blog, but also doing more research, prepatory ideas and designs, and this should hopefully improve my final products. I've also taking all the feedback on board to allow me to develop and improve even further on the next unit. I've really enjoyed this unit because i've learned a lot and i can't wait to combine it with the maya work on the next project.


  1. Hi Ethan,

    Can I be completely honest with you? (I'm going to be). I think you're a bit 'delusional' about the strengths of your conceptual development and rigor of your own approach during Unit 2.

    In the public forum of the crit environment, I take great pains to be constructive, but I was actually very irritated by your approach to your images; all those questions re. the design (or lack of) of your lunar landscape were a constructive way of communicating my complete mystification at your 'hands off' approach to the real and authentic design challenges presented by the brief and the material for adaptation; you swerved what was difficult, and from your comments above, I'm left worried that you still don't 'see' that.

    Don't misunderstand me - in terms of your personal development (graphics tablet/photoshop) you've got more stuff under your belt, but conceptually, philosophically, and aesthetically your submission was very underdeveloped and much too generic and your approach to design and problem-solving pretty poor (i.e., you didn't solve the problems inherent in the text when other students wrestled and agonised with the content of their books).

    In short, I don't think you did push yourself enough; and yes, your blog is more populated, but you didn't use it to solve the problems you were otherwise avoiding...

    Of course, the point is to take criticism, absorb it and go forwards, so yes, Unit 3 will be a test of your conceptual and problem-solving. I will be looking particularly at your rationale, attention to detail and willingness to engage with the challenges of the brief - and Unit 3 is a tough one in this respect. I want you to enjoy it - and I want you to do well, but I think, before that can happen, you look more honestly at your strengths, weaknesses, habits and blindspots... we all have them, and we need to confront them and welcome change...

    Anyway, lecture over - and I hope that's enough feedback for you; your class size is big, but its collective energy is formidable and to be celebrated; I wouldn't want it any other way - and I'm the one who has to plough through all the marking! :-)

  2. Also – take a look at the following project blog – a collaboration between 2 third years, Pol Winandy and Jon Stewart; they’re creating an action-packed animated short; their attention to detail is formidable and they’re also working through all the inevitable tensions/complications that come with group working. It’s been a long, intense experience for them both, and, with five weeks to go, they’re moving into an even more pressurised phase. The environment stage is in the offing – so follow their progress and get a real insight into the minutiae of CG and story-telling; meet the future!
