Saturday, 27 March 2010
Wounded Candlestick #2... Inevitable Death...
So i've been thining of how i could create a three act story based on Phil's idea of the candlestick slowly dying. I watched the two links Phil sent me from Swan Lake and i really like the idea of the candlestick slowly dying with a black background. Unfortunately the brief specifically states it needs a three act structure so i really need to work on that side of the idea. Here's my idea so far, i pretty sure it has a three act structure and i've tried to incorporate the appeal that i was going for in my first idea so that the audience sympathises with the character. I would like to use some music which is soft and mellow to suite the character slowly dying. I could possibly use the song Tchaikovsky composed for this scene but adapt it to suite the cautious beginning...
IDEA #2:
- We begin with a title which dissolves out over the black background...
- A faint light source starts to flicker into the frame from the right...
- The candlestick cautiously peers into the frame (slowly), we realise the light source is from the candle...
- The candlestick cautiously walks into shot (exhaggerated walk/tip-toe)...
- Some of the melted wax from the candlestick drips and comes through the top of the frame (cartoon world = cartoon rules?)...
- The melted wax falls from the top of the frame and hits the candlestick, which startles him...
- Again, the candlestick starts to walk cautiously and slightly startled this time...
- We see another drip of melted wax from the candlestick which comes through the top of the frame...
- This hits the candlestick which again startles him and makes him realise he is melting (injured/dying)...
- The events that follow show the candlestick attempting to prevent the wax from falling (he tries to keep the wax in his tray/dish buth it overflows)...
- What follows is the sad, inevitable scene of the candlestick dying/melting slowly as the light begins to fade out...
- We end with the black screen we started with.
Ethan... I'm a bit frustrated! I thinking you're getting hung up unduly on the three act structure - it just means 'a beginning, a middle - and an end' - so, Act 1 - introduce candle stick - Act 2 - candlestick 'suffers' - Act 3 - candlestick dies - you've got one minute, and your prime challenge is to get an object to perform through your animation skills - the very act of making a candlestick appear to swoon and suffer is a HUGE challenge; think of it in dance or music terms; music starts (gently), music builds, music climaxes, music fades; in your example, 'story' comes with a small 's' - stop thinking in Pixar/Fantasia terms - less is more, Ethan. Personally, I think you need to get thumbnailing, because it's through the expressiveness of your drawing that your story will convey...