Where do i start... With 5 'bad' school kids being contained in a library during detention which they believe to be cursed by an old Indian man, all sorts of mysterious and spooky events begin to occur, further confirming their concerns, and unfolding the stories of each character. From the beginning to end you are left pondering what will happen next as 5 wittle down to 2. It's been a while since i've read a comic, so it took me a while to get used to the order of reading things, this meant at the beginning i was slightly struggling to keep up with what was going on, but as i went on, it wasn't an issue. Bad Kids Go To Hell was an enjoyable read and was definitely the type of comic i could get into. I really enjoyed the illustrations which allowed me to visualise the story better. The mysterious narrative kept me hooked because there was always an interesting twist, and i found myself trying to guess what would happen next. After a series of misfortunate events happened to Matt Clarke, i soon began to realise that he was destined to be framed for the murders of the 4 other characters. However, i was caught unaware by the other twists to the plot and found myself contemplating what would happen next. I did find the narrative hard to follow at times, however, switching back and forth in time often, i found it hard to keep up. There were also a few points which i found confusing, and these came towards the end of the narrative as i found everything ame together rather quickly and i struggled to keep tabs on what was occuring. I was particularly confused by the man eating snake statue which seemed to come out of nowhere in an otherwise somewhat logical plot. I also found myself wondering what happened to Tarek despite it being explained in the comic and I was also confused by Max's role in the whole thing, but Bharathi explained this to me and i think i understand it more clearly now. Howver, clever little details similar to a Pixar plot kept the narrative believable as the gun we see in the beginning is used by Dr. Day and the Axe which Craig grabs is later usd by Dr. Day as well. Overall Bad Kids Go To Hell was definitely my kind of comic and i wouldn't hessitate picking up another Bad Kids Go To Hell comic.
Matt has read you review. Thanks Ethan