Sunday, 22 May 2011
Work Placement... Week 5....
Week 5 began with a new brief for a company rebranding in Ibiza. There were a list of different effects that the team were looking for, but the most relevant to me was the use of particles after the recent maya tutorials we've done. I mainly used Alan's coke can tutorial to make objects disappear. The first object being a cream teapot which was an image shown in the actual brief as an example. The feedback i got from this suggested using the same effect on human body parts. Instead of modelling a human body from scratch, Pete suggested getting some free models off the internet and using those. They were quite hard to come by, but i found a few models on creativecrash in the end and decided to use those. I produced three animations to be sent off to show the client, two of which made it into the video showreel that was actually sent off. The most successful was a human model falling from the sky with particles falling off causing the model to disappear. I then took this into after effects using the recommended colour palette of light blue, which worked nicely in producing what seemingly looks like an underwater scene, with the particles coming from the body looking like bubbles. At the moment, i am unable to show any of this work as it is an on going project, but as soon as i get the green light i'll pop up some stills and videos.
The second half of this week involved another new brief, for an event in Mayfair for a large champagne champagne. This unusual corporate event involves a DJ playing from an altar, with pete projecting onto the back altar wall of the image above. We were asked to produce three animations for the event, by friday evening so that pete coould give us the feedback for changes that would need to be applied by sunday evening. My first piece using the idea of the inside of a champagne bottle with the water rising and bubbles flowing. I used the unique glowing shield shape of the branding for the new champagne to form the shape of fish swimming through the champagne before revealing the shield logo as though the bottle had been twisted round. I continued the theme of transforming the shape of the logo into an animal, by using two of them together to form wings of a butterfly, which accompanied another flourish design courtesy of the work i produced in the Cotton Club project. My final animation was specifically intended to accompany the music the dj was playing, as i animated glowing green, yellow and red blocks to look like an equaliser. Animating it to the music is something i'm yet to do, but i will be intrigued to find out how it works. I'll leave you with an image of a previous event at the venue to give you an idea of what this kind of project could look like on the day...
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