Friday, 3 February 2012
Major Project... Levitating fishing village...
This concept involves an environment design for a levitating fishing village, in which the inhabitants literally catch flying fish. in a high altitude environment, surrounded by clouds, the levitating platform is built up from traditional fishing village huts, with wooden planked harbours, in which the fisherman use fishing rods to fish over the edge. The boats could possibly float through the clouds, propelled by some kind of airship style device. There's also an opportunity here to combine some of the windmill design features from my previous idea to the design of the fishing village, and the features of the windmill could also be the reason the island is able to levitate in the sky. I could also look into designing the flying fish which i imagine to have quite a magical and fantastical look to them. Here are some reference images i've gathered together to give a visual representation how the levitating fishing village might look...
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