Friday 3 February 2012

Major Project... City Environment Ideas...

So i've been doing some research into a subject that i could splice together with my city, to create a distinct environment. Phil suggested a city suspended by hot air balloons or an insect city derived from organic sources like leaves. I like this idea as it gives me the opportunity to further develop my creative design skills, which is one of my main goals in this project to have a stronger pre-production pipeline.This will be the first thing any potential employer would see in my making of book, and therefore it must be bold and distinct, to create a good impression. Below are some of the ideas i've thought of so far...

My first idea is a city suspended by floating jellyfish. This idea would have a heavy sci-fi influence, and the mood and atmosphere would come from the depths of the sea and the use of fluorescent blues and purples within the vast city. The city would be built into and around the jellyfish, with the possibility of the jellyfish being used as an energy source to keep the city running, or even using the jellyfish as a protective shield/force. Here are some concepts that give a visual idea of the direction i could take this project in...


My second idea contemplates a city built around and amongst a giant spider's web. What intrigues me the most about this idea is creating some beautifully cinematic shots of the camera running along the strings of the web, with the possibility of modes of transport running along these wire-like lines into the city. I feel like this city would derive from an elegant style kingdom, much like Minas Tirith from the Lord of the Rings, utilising whites, greys and silvers as a colour palette to match the silk spider's web. I imagine the web to be suspended in the air amongst some rocks, but the location would obviously have to be further researched and developed. Here are some visual concepts that provide an insight into the direction i could take this porject in...

My third idea is based around a Mushroom City, in which the buildings and modes of transport are within the construct of vast giant mushrooms. There would be a hierarchy of living conditions, with the working class living amongst a swamp environment that surrounds the mushrooms, whilst the middleclass citizens would live in pods built up the stem of the mushrooms as houses, and within the "dome" of the mushrooms, there would be built-in structures where the upper class citizens would remain to oversee the whole city. Similar to the spider web idea, there would be intereconnecting wires between each of the mushrooms and bridge-like structures to pass from one to the other. Here are some concepts that demonstrate the kind of look and feel i might go for...




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