Friday 4 February 2011

The City in The Sea Rough Soundscape...

This is the link to a rough version of the soundscape i've been working on for The City in the Sea by Edgar Allan Poe. It includes my chosen voiceover as well as a variety of sounds and instruments from Soundtrack Pro on the Apple Mac computers. So far, i'm fairly pleased with the soundscape as a rough version, although feedback would be muchly appreciated. There are still many areas of improvement and refinement, in particular the second section of the soundscape where the mood and tone of the piece turns quite dark; I feel this is a little too repetitive. I would like to add some trembling/rumbling sounds to give the piece more bass and atmosphere, as well as some more background sounds to add to the feel and atmosphere of the piece. As a rough and start point though, this soundscape along with the voiceover is definitely giving me a lot of ideas in terms of pacing, movement and shot types i could use for my final product.


  1. Have you put an echo on the voice-over? Hmmm - I'd resist doing that, because the performance is rich as it is; also, you'll want to ensure the voice track dominates the music - at the moment, it's struggling. You've got a rather 'tinny' effect generally. Try and create something more deep and primal. Good to see you getting stuck in - but I do want to see lots of visualisations asap...

  2. This was posted on the group blog - take a look - and let it inspire the grandeur of your own designs...
